Body Work

Bringing the body into balanced harmony

Kid Woman Training With Gym Ball Occupational Therapy

One of our biggest passions is to integrate the knowledge we have gathered through extensive training and practice to create a hands-on healing experience. Body Work is tailored to the individual needs of our patients on their “Healing Pathway” and various modalities are used to help bring the body into a harmonized rhythm by addressing physical, emotional and energetic interferences. When a healthy rhythm is established, the body feels at ease, released from pain, with improved mobility and better clarity.

Our admiration and respect for the interconnectedness of the human body has driven us to seek out healing wisdom from a variety of resources. The following modalities are some of the cornerstones of our Body Work sessions at Right Starts:

CranioSacral Therapy– a gentle, hands on method of evaluating and treating the craniosacral system of the body. (

Myofascial Release–  a very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions in the body to eliminate pain and restore motion. (

Dolphin NeuroStim– the use of tools to provide brief, concentrated microcurrent impulses to specific treatment points to facilitate relaxation of the muscles, calming of the central nervous system and the release endorphins for a natural pain relief (

BioField Tuning–  sound therapy that works within the body’s electrical system -or biofield- to address interferences  and promote healing (

Kinesiotape–  therapeutic tape applied to the body to support and stabilize muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion  (

Frequency Specific Microcurrent– a medical grade device that applies micro current to the body to alleviate pain and promote healing  (

Body Work Treatments are for Children and Adults, Alike

Babies through geriatrics will experience healing benefits of a therapeutic bodywork session. Treatment for adults often occurs on a massage table in a quiet, peaceful space. While children may also enjoy the peaceful feel of the “calm room”, we have become skilled at conducting these treatments while on the move in the sensory play room and do not require children to lay down and be quiet to receive the benefits of this work.

Interested in how Body Work Modalities could benefit you? Schedule a free consultation online or call (732) 701-7768.

Explore Our Other Modalities

Brain Based Modalities

Brain Based Modalities

At Right Starts, we value “neurological readiness”. We believe in activating the brain and regulating the nervous system prior to working on functional skills and utilize a variety of modalities in order to do so. With proper neurological activation and organization in place, patients are then able to engage in new learning and take on challenging tasks with greater success.

Funcational Modalities

Functional Modalities

Optimal outcomes come fastest by addressing the body in its entirety. Our Functional Modalities allow us to get “right to the root” of the interferences that are impacting the inner terrain of the body and begin promoting healing. By supporting proper detoxification, healing the gut, clearing emotions and releasing tension patterns within the fascial system, lasting changes are made.
Vision Based Modalities

Vision Based Modalities

Interferences in the visual system can have a huge impact on a person and are often the root cause of attention deficits, learning challenges, headache disorders, difficulties with gait and balance, etc. We incorporate multiple modalities to activate and strengthen the visual system as a way to engage the entire sensory system within each treatment. 

Right Starts Occupational Therapist Healing Pathways

Pathways to Healing

Beginning a wellness journey can often feel like entering uncharted territory. At Right Starts, we come alongside our patients and their caregivers to co-create a course of treatment prioritizing the individual needs and goals of our patients. Drawing on our unique perspective as holistic OTs and parents ourselves, we help our patients find the most direct pathway to success. Our respect for the intricate connectedness of the human body drives our passion for finding the root causes to our patient’s challenges and employing a multitude of holistic modalities to address those challenges on a foundational level. We call our treatment a “Healing Pathway”. Each patient’s personalized pathway serves as a guide through the various stages of wellness and development.
